
Time Mark

The Model 4093 is a compact, socket mounted Liquid Level Controller that operates by monitoring the conductive liquid resistance between two probes. The unit monitors two liquid levels and responds as a pump-up or pump-down control as determined by the switch setting on the top of the unit. The green LED indicates pump operation while the potentiometer allows the user to adjust probe sensitivity.


Time Mark

The Model 4093 is a compact, socket mounted Liquid Level Controller that operates by monitoring the conductive liquid resistance between two probes. The unit monitors two liquid levels and responds as a pump-up or pump-down control as determined by the switch setting on the top of the unit. The green LED indicates pump operation while the potentiometer allows the user to adjust probe sensitivity.


Time Mark

The 403 Liquid Level Controller provides central control of duplex pumping systems. The Model 403 includes pump alternating, visual run-time meters, hand-off-auto control and alarm outputs. Four level-sense inputs interface with float switches, pressure switches, or other level sensing devices which can provide a contact closure.


Time Mark

The Model 404 Liquid Level Sensor operates in conjunction with a Model 403 Controller for bubbler-type duplex pumping systems. The 404 contains an air pressure-to-voltage transducer and requires only a small air compressor capable of 15 psi to operate the system down to approximately 35 feet. The Model 404s four outputs are designed to replace the float switch inputs to a Model 403, or to be used with a Model 448 output Relay Board. A 4-20mA signal output provides for other control applications. A 3-digit LED display continuously shows the liquid level to a tenth of a foot when the Display Control switch is in the Liquid Level position. Other settings of the switch allow setting of the liquid level trip points. LED indicators illuminate as the levels are exceeded. A test control allows the trip settings to be checked without actually raising or lower the liquid level.


Time Mark

The Model 404 Liquid Level Sensor operates in conjunction with a Model 403 Controller for bubbler-type duplex pumping systems. The 404 contains an air pressure-to-voltage transducer and requires only a small air compressor capable of 15 psi to operate the system down to approximately 35 feet. The Model 404s four outputs are designed to replace the float switch inputs to a Model 403, or to be used with a Model 448 output Relay Board. A 4-20mA signal output provides for other control applications. A 3-digit LED display continuously shows the liquid level to a tenth of a foot when the Display Control switch is in the Liquid Level position. Other settings of the switch allow setting of the liquid level trip points. LED indicators illuminate as the levels are exceeded. A test control allows the trip settings to be checked without actually raising or lower the liquid level.


Time Mark

The Model 407 3-Pump Liquid Level Controller provides central operating control of triplex pumping systems. The solid-state electronic controller provides alternating of load pumps, low level cutoff and high level alarm outputs. Runtime meters provide instant visual data on total running time of each pump motor. LED indicators show ON/OFF status of each pump. The 407 has five level-sense inputs which can be activated by float switches or other level sensing devices which provide a switch closure.


Time Mark

The Model 408 is a 5-level liquid level sensor designed for use with bubbler-type systems. The 408 contains an internal air pressure transducer; the user must provide a small air compressor capable of supplying a maximum of 15 psi. This operates the system to a liquid depth of 34.6 feet. The output of the 408 connects to the inputs of the Model 407 3-Pump Liquid Level Controller (replacing the float switches) or to a Model 448 Output Relay Board. A 4-20mA signal output is provided as an input to process controllers or for other control applications. A 3-digit LED display continuously shows the liquid depth to 0.1 foot when the display control switch is in the Liquid Level position. Other switch positions allow setting of the corresponding trip level points. The trip points are set using coarse and fine adjustment pots, and are shown on the LED display. Each trip level has an LED indictor which illuminates as the solid-state output makes. A test feature allows the trip settings to be checked without actually changing the liquid level.


Time Mark

The Model 408 is a 5-level liquid level sensor designed for use with bubbler-type systems. The 408 contains an internal air pressure transducer; the user must provide a small air compressor capable of supplying a maximum of 15 psi. This operates the system to a liquid depth of 34.6 feet. The output of the 408 connects to the inputs of the Model 407 3-Pump Liquid Level Controller (replacing the float switches) or to a Model 448 Output Relay Board. A 4-20mA signal output is provided as an input to process controllers or for other control applications. A 3-digit LED display continuously shows the liquid depth to 0.1 foot when the display control switch is in the Liquid Level position. Other switch positions allow setting of the corresponding trip level points. The trip points are set using coarse and fine adjustment pots, and are shown on the LED display. Each trip level has an LED indictor which illuminates as the solid-state output makes. A test feature allows the trip settings to be checked without actually changing the liquid level.


Time Mark

The Model 663 Pump Down Control, part of the 600 series line of instrumentation controls, is designed to monitor and maintain liquid levels. A user-provided 4-20mA current loop represents the liquid level. The HIGH ADJUST setpoint, and the LOW ADJUST setpoint, are field adjustable. If the input rises above the high setpoint, the PUMP DOWN relay energizes, and remains that way until the input falls below the low set point. Top-mounted LEDs on the Model 663 show system status. The PUMP DOWN LED turns ON when the input is above the high setpoint, and goes OFF when the input is below the low setpoint. The HIGH ALARM condition indicator turns ON if the input rises to 10% above the high setpoint. The HIGH ALARM condition then resets when the input is again less than 10% above the high setpoint. For proper operation, the high setpoint must always be set above the low setpoint. An INPUT LOOP ERROR LED turns ON if the input is outside the 4-20mA range. A Time Mark Model 650 Loop Power Supply (or equivalent) is required to provide the 24 VDC operating voltage. Also, a Time Mark Model 672-15 Pressure Transducer (or equivalent) is required to provide the input signal.


Time Mark

The Model 271 3-Stage Alternator is designed to control the motor starters in a stage pumping or compressor system. Its purpose is to ensure that only the required motors are used, and that each motor receives the same average amount of run time. Motors are sequenced in a first-on, first-off cycle. Potential uses include water supply systems, air compressor systems, sewage disposal plant systems, storage tank filling or emptying systems, water recycling systems, irrigation systems or sump pump applications.